To be quiet and listen.
Cause then,
we think about who we truly love and who we don’t.
What we have and what we've lost.
Where we went wrong and whether,
Given the opportunity,
We would make up for it ?
In the silence we ask questions and also find answers.
We search our hearts seeking truth.
Truth that we hope will set us free.
Redemption; Peace; Forgiveness.
Forgiveness from ourselves.
From our mistakes.
From the times we gave up, when we should have waited a bit longer.
From the time we left when we know we should have stayed.
From the things we know we can’t control but we wished we could,
Cause then we would have made things go our way.
What of the things that we have lost.
Those we can’t take back.
The words we said. The actions we took.
That can’t easily be mend by a simple sorry. What of them.
Does the silence take that away as well?
Do we find answers for them to?
Not always.
But it will always help to remember and not forget.
To reflect, rather than pretend.
To seek an answer than run away.
To pray and wait. Than to sit and worry.
:-By Ken Kioli.